
Root cause of ADHD

One of the problems of ADHD is that any one with ADHD psychoanalyze the hell out out their condition down to breaking down each and every symptom they have. I have been doing this since a long time even before I discoverd ADHD. In fact I discovered ADHD because I was psychoanalyzing my symptoms everyday and kept searching for answers online. I always knew some thing was wrong in my brain and spent a decade ruling every mental condition down to ADHD.  Since i discovered ADHD, I empolyed various mental strategies including but not limited to  Meditation, diet, CBT, Exercice etc. Most of these strategies relived symptom temporarily, but efficacy of any strategy doesn't last longer no matter how hard you practice. The initial improvement is usually tapered off after a few days and you don't find motivation to follow any strategy after the results have diminished.  Thankfully I have discovered a strategy that is bringing out good results that don't seem to diminish with time. I